Перейти к контенту


The portal component renders its children into a new "subtree" outside of current DOM hierarchy.

Дочерние элементы портала будут добавлены внутрь элемента, указанного в свойстве container. Портал используется внутри компонентов Modal и Popper.


It looks like I will render here.
<button type="button" onClick={handleClick}>
  {show ? 'Unmount children' : 'Mount children'}
<div className={classes.alert}>
  It looks like I will render here.
  {show ? (
    <Portal container={container.current}>
      <span>But I actually render here!</span>
  ) : null}
<div className={classes.alert} ref={container} />


React doesn't support the createPortal() API on the server. You have to wait for the client-side hydration to see the children.