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Migración de v4 a v5

¡Sí, v5 ha sido lanzada!

¿Buscando la documentación v4? Encuéntralos aquí.

Este documento es un trabajo en curso. ¿Ha actualizado su sitio y se ha topado con algo que no está cubierto aquí? ¿Ha actualizado su sitio y se ha topado con algo que no está cubierto aquí? Añade tus cambios en GitHub.


Esta es una referencia para actualizar su sitio de Material-UI v4 a v5. Aunque hay mucho cubierto aquí, probablemente no tendrá que hacer todo por su sitio. Haremos todo lo posible para mantener las cosas fáciles de seguir, y tan secuencial como sea posible para que pueda rápidamente ponerse usando la v5!

Por qué debería migrar

Esta página de documentación cubre cómo migrar de v4 a v5. The why is covered in the release blog post on Medium.

Actualizando tus dependencias

Lo primero que necesitará hacer es actualizar sus dependencias.

Actualizar versión de Material-UI

You need to update your package.json to use the latest version of Material-UI and its peer dependencies.

"dependencies": {
  "@emotion/react": "^11.0.0",
  "@emotion/styled": "^11.0.0",
  "@material-ui/core": "^5.0.0"

Or run

npm install @material-ui/core@next @emotion/react @emotion/styled


yarn add @material-ui/core@next @emotion/react @emotion/styled

Handling breaking changes

Supported browsers and node versions

The targets of the default bundle have changed. The exact versions will be pinned on release from the browserslist query "> 0.5%, last 2 versions, Firefox ESR, not dead, not IE 11, maintained node versions".

The default bundle now supports:

  • Node 10 (up from 8)
  • Chrome 84 (up from 49)
  • Edge 85 (up from 14)
  • Firefox 78 (up from 52)
  • Safari 13 (macOS) and 12.2 (iOS) (up from 10)
  • and more (see .browserslistrc (stable entry))

It no longer supports IE 11. If you need to support IE 11, check out our legacy bundle.

non-ref-forwarding class components

Support for non-ref-forwarding class components in the component prop or as immediate children has been dropped. If you were using unstable_createStrictModeTheme or didn't see any warnings related to findDOMNode in React.StrictMode then you don't need to do anything. Otherwise check out the "Caveat with refs" section in our composition guide to find out how to migrate. This change affects almost all components where you're using the component prop or passing children to components that require children to be elements (e.g. <MenuList><CustomMenuItem /></MenuList>)

Styled engine

The styled engine used in v5 by default is emotion. While migration from JSS to emotion, if you are using JSS style overrides for your components (for example overrides created by makeStyles), you need to take care of the CSS injection order. In order to do this, you need to have on the top of your application the StylesProvider with the injectFirst option. Here is an example of it:

Now you can override Material-UI's styles. import * as React from 'react';
import { StylesProvider } from '@material-ui/core';

export default function GlobalCssPriority() {
  return (
    <StylesProvider injectFirst>
      {/* Your component tree. */}

Note: If you are using emotion and have a custom cache in your app, that one will override the one coming from Material-UI. In order for the injection order to still be correct, you need to add the prepend option. Here is an example:

import * as React from 'react';
import { CacheProvider } from '@emotion/react';
import createCache from '@emotion/cache';

const cache = createCache({
  key: 'css',
  prepend: true,

export default function PlainCssPriority() {
  return (
    <CacheProvider value={cache}>
      {/* Your component tree. import * as React from 'react';
import { StylesProvider } from '@material-ui/core';

export default function GlobalCssPriority() {
  return (
    <StylesProvider injectFirst>
      {/* Your component tree. */}

Note: If you are using styled-components and have StyleSheetManager with a custom target, make sure that the target is the first element in the HTML <head>. If you are curious to see how it can be done, you can take a look on the StylesProvider implementation in the @material-ui/styled-engine-sc package.


  • Los puntos de interrupción ahora son tratados como valores en lugar de rangos. The behavior of down(key) was changed to define media query less than the value defined with the corresponding breakpoint (exclusive). The between(start, end) was also updated to define media query for the values between the actual values of start (inclusive) and end (exclusive). When using the down() breakpoints utility you need to update the breakpoint key by one step up. When using the between(start, end) the end breakpoint should also be updated by one step up. The same should be done when using the Hidden component. Find examples of the changes required defined below:

    -theme.breakpoints.down('sm') // '@media (max-width:959.95px)' - [0, sm + 1) => [0, md)
    +theme.breakpoints.down('md') // '@media (max-width:959.95px)' - [0, md)
    -theme.breakpoints.between('sm', 'md') // '@media (min-width:600px) and (max-width:1279.95px)' - [sm, md + 1) => [0, lg)
    +theme.breakpoints.between('sm', 'lg') // '@media (min-width:600px) and (max-width:1279.95px)' - [0, lg)
    -theme.breakpoints.between('sm', 'xl') // '@media (min-width:600px)'
    +theme.breakpoints.up('sm') // '@media (min-width:600px)'
    -<Hidden smDown>{...}</Hidden> // '@media (min-width:600px)'
    +<Hidden mdDown>{...}</Hidden> // '@media (min-width:600px)'
  • The signature of theme.palette.augmentColor helper has changed:

    +theme.palette.augmentColor({ color: red, name: 'brand' });

Mejorar ayudante

Para una transición más suave, el ayudante adaptV4Theme te permite actualizar iterativamente algunos de los cambios del tema a la nueva estructura del tema.

-import { createMuiTheme } from '@material-ui/core/styles';
+import { createMuiTheme, adaptV4Theme } from '@material-ui/core/styles';

-const theme = createMuiTheme({
+const theme = createMuiTheme(adaptV4Theme({
  // v4 theme

El adaptador soporta los siguientes cambios.


  • La abstracción "gutters" no ha demostrado ser usada con suficiente frecuencia como para ser valiosa.

    +paddingLeft: theme.spacing(2),
    +paddingRight: theme.spacing(2),
    +[theme.breakpoints.up('sm')]: {
    +  paddingLeft: theme.spacing(3),
    +  paddingRight: theme.spacing(3),
  • theme.spacing ahora devuelve valores únicos con unidades px por defecto. This change improves the integration with styled-components & emotion.


    theme.spacing(2) => 16


    theme.spacing(2) => '16px'
  • The theme.palette.type was renamed to theme.palette.mode, to better follow the "dark mode" term that is usually used for describing this feature.

    import { createMuiTheme } from '@material-ui/core/styles';
    -const theme = createMuiTheme({palette: { type: 'dark' }}),
    +const theme = createMuiTheme({palette: { mode: 'dark' }}),
  • La clave theme.palette.text.hint no fue usada en componentes de Material-UI y ha sido eliminada. If you depend on it, you can add it back:

    import { createMuiTheme } from '@material-ui/core/styles';
    -const theme = createMuiTheme(),
    +const theme = createMuiTheme({
    +  palette: { text: { hint: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.38)' } },
  • The components' definition inside the theme were restructure under the components key, to allow people easier discoverability about the definitions regarding one component.

  1. props
import { createMuiTheme } from '@material-ui/core/styles';

const theme = createMuiTheme({
-  props: {
-    MuiButton: {
-      disableRipple: true,
-    },
-  },
+  components: {
+    MuiButton: {
+      defaultProps: {
+        disableRipple: true,
+      },
+    },
+  },
  1. overrides
import { createMuiTheme } from '@material-ui/core/styles';

const theme = createMuiTheme({
-  overrides: {
-    MuiButton: {
-      root: { padding: 0 },
-    },
-  },
+  components: {
+    MuiButton: {
+      styleOverrides: {
+        root: { padding: 0 },
+      },
+    },
+  },


  • Renamed fade to alpha to better describe its functionality. The previous name was leading to confusion when the input color already had an alpha value. The helper overrides the alpha value of the color.
- import { fade } from '@material-ui/core/styles';
+ import { alpha } from '@material-ui/core/styles';

const classes = makeStyles(theme => ({
-  backgroundColor: fade(theme.palette.primary.main, theme.palette.action.selectedOpacity),
+  backgroundColor: alpha(theme.palette.primary.main, theme.palette.action.selectedOpacity),


  • The following system functions (and properties) were renamed, because they are considered deprecated CSS:
  1. gridGap to gap
  2. gridColumnGap to columnGap
  3. gridRowGap to rowGap

Core components

As the core components use emotion as a styled engine, the props used by emotion are not intercepted. The prop as in the following codesnippet will not be propagated to the SomeOtherComponent.

<MuiComponent component={SomeOtherComponent} as="button" />

Un App Bar prominente.

  • [AppBar] Remove z-index when position static and relative


  • Mueve el componente del laboratorio al core. El componente ahora es estable.

    -import Alert from '@material-ui/lab/Alert';
    -import AlertTitle from '@material-ui/lab/AlertTitle';
    +import Alert from '@material-ui/core/Alert';
    +import AlertTitle from '@material-ui/core/AlertTitle';

    You can use the moved-lab-modules codemod for automatic migration.


  • Mueve el componente del laboratorio al core. El componente ahora es estable.

    -import Autocomplete from '@material-ui/lab/Autocomplete';
    -import useAutocomplete  from '@material-ui/lab/useAutocomplete';
    +import Autocomplete from '@material-ui/core/Autocomplete';
    +import useAutoComplete from '@material-ui/core/useAutocomplete';

    You can use our moved-lab-modules codemod for automatic migration.

  • Remove debug prop. There are a couple of simpler alternatives: open={true}, Chrome devtools "Emulate focused", or React devtools prop setter.

  • renderOption should now return the full DOM structure of the option. It makes customizations easier. You can recover from the change with:

    - renderOption={(option, { selected }) => (
    -   <React.Fragment>
    + renderOption={(props, option, { selected }) => (
    +   <li {...props}>
            style={{ marginRight: 8 }}
    -   </React.Fragment>
    +   </li>
  • Rename closeIcon prop with clearIcon to avoid confusion.

    -<Autocomplete closeIcon={defaultClearIcon} />
    +<Autocomplete clearIcon={defaultClearIcon} />


  • Rename round to circular for consistency. Los valores posibles deben ser adjetivos, no sustantivos:

    -<Avatar variant="circle">
    -<Avatar classes={{ circle: 'className' }}>
    +<Avatar variant="circular">
    +<Avatar classes={{ circular: 'className' }}>
  • Move the AvatarGroup from the lab to the core.

    -import AvatarGroup from '@material-ui/lab/AvatarGroup';
    +import AvatarGroup from '@material-ui/core/AvatarGroup';


  • Rename circle to circular and rect to rectangular for consistency. Los valores posibles deben ser adjetivos, no sustantivos:

    -<Badge overlap="circle">
    -<Badge overlap="rectangle">
    +<Badge overlap="circular">
    +<Badge overlap="rectangular">
    <Badge classes={{
    - anchorOriginTopRightRectangle: 'className'
    - anchorOriginBottomRightRectangle: 'className'
    - anchorOriginTopLeftRectangle: 'className'
    - anchorOriginBottomLeftRectangle: 'className'
    - anchorOriginTopRightCircle: 'className'
    - anchorOriginBottomRightCircle: 'className'
    - anchorOriginTopLeftCircle: 'className'
    + anchorOriginTopRightRectangular: 'className'
    + anchorOriginBottomRightRectangular: 'className'
    + anchorOriginTopLeftRectangular: 'className'
    + anchorOriginBottomLeftRectangular: 'className'
    + anchorOriginTopRightCircular: 'className'
    + anchorOriginBottomRightCircular: 'className'
    + anchorOriginTopLeftCircular: 'className'


  • TypeScript: The event in onChange is no longer typed as a React.ChangeEvent but React.SyntheticEvent.

    -<BottomNavigation onChange={(event: React. ChangeEvent<{}>) => {}} />
    +<BottomNavigation onChange={(event: React. SyntheticEvent) => {}} />


  • The system props have been deprecated in v5, and replaced with the sx prop.

    -<Box border="1px dashed grey" p={[2, 3, 4]} m={2}>
    +<Box sx={{ border: "1px dashed grey", p: [2, 3, 4], m: 2 }}>

    This codemod will automatically update your code to the new syntax. You can read this section for the why behind the change of API.

  • The borderRadius system prop value transformation has been changed. If it receives a number, it multiplies this value with the theme.shape.borderRadius value. Use a string to provide an explicit value, in px.

    -<Box sx={{ borderRadius: 'borderRadius' }}>
    +<Box sx={{ borderRadius: 1 }}>
    -<Box sx={{ borderRadius: 16 }}>
    +<Box sx={{ borderRadius: '16px' }}>
  • The following properties were renamed, because they are considered deprecated CSS proeprties:

  1. gridGap to gap
  2. gridColumnGap to columnGap
  3. gridRowGap to rowGap
-<Box gridGap="10px">
+<Box sx={{ gap: '10px' }}>
-<Box gridColumnGap="10px" gridRowGap="20px">
+<Box sx={{ columnGap: '10px', rowGap: '20px' }}>

Button (Botón)

  • El prop color del botón ahora es "primary" por defecto, y "default" ha sido eliminado. Esto hace que el botón se acerque a la especificación de Material Design y simplifica la API.

    -<Button color="primary" />
    -<Button color="default" />
    +<Button />
    +<Button />


  • Rename default variant to filled for consistency.
    -<Chip variant="default">
    +<Chip variant="filled">

Progreso circular

  • The static variant has been merged into the determinate variant, with the latter assuming the appearance of the former. The removed variant was rarely useful. It was an exception to Material Design, and was removed from the specification.

    -<CircularProgress variant="determinate" />
    -<CircularProgress variant="static" classes={{ static: 'className' }} />
    +<CircularProgress variant="determinate" classes={{ determinate: 'className' }} />

NB: If you had previously customized determinate, your customizations are probably no longer valid. Please remove them.


  • The collapsedHeight prop was renamed collapsedSize to support the horizontal direction.

    -<Collapse collapsedHeight={40}>
    +<Collapse collapsedSize={40}>
  • The classes.container key was changed to match the convention of the other components.

    -<Collapse classes={{ container: 'collapse' }}>
    +<Collapse classes={{ root: 'collapse' }}>


  • The component was migrated to use the @material-ui/styled-engine (emotion or styled-components) instead of jss. You should remove the @global key when defining the style overrides for it.

    const theme = createMuiTheme({
      components: {
        MuiCssBaseline: {
          styleOverrides: {
    -       '@global': {
              html: {
                WebkitFontSmoothing: 'auto',
    -       },
  • The body font size has changed from theme.typography.body2 (0.875rem) to theme.typography.body1 (1rem). To return to the previous size, you can override it in the theme:

    const theme = createMuiTheme({
      typography: {
        body1: {
          fontSize: '0.875rem',

    (Note that this will also affect use of the Typography component with the default body1 variant).


  • The onE* transition props were removed. Use TransitionProps instead.

    -  onEnter={onEnter}
    -  onEntered={onEntered},
    -  onEntering={onEntered},
    -  onExit={onEntered},
    -  onExited={onEntered},
    -  onExiting={onEntered}
    +  TransitionProps={{
    +    onEnter,
    +    onEntered,
    +    onEntering,
    +    onExit,
    +    onExited,
    +    onExiting,
    +  }}
  • Remove the disableBackdropClick prop because redundant. Ignore close events from onClose when reason === 'backdropClick' instead.

    - disableBackdropClick
    - onClose={handleClose}
    + onClose={(event, reason) => {
    +   if (reason !== 'backdropClick') {
    +     onClose(event, reason);
    +   }
    + }}
  • [withMobileDialog] Remove this higher-order component. The hook API allows a simpler and more flexible solution:

    -import withMobileDialog from '@material-ui/core/withMobileDialog';
    +import { useTheme, useMediaQuery } from '@material-ui/core';
    function ResponsiveDialog(props) {
    - const { fullScreen } = props;
    + const theme = useTheme();
    + const fullScreen = useMediaQuery(theme.breakpoints.down('sm'));
      const [open, setOpen] = React.useState(false);
    // ...
    -export default withMobileDialog()(ResponsiveDialog);
    +export default ResponsiveDialog;


  • Use border instead of background color. It prevents inconsistent height on scaled screens. For people customizing the color of the border, the change requires changing the override CSS property:

    .MuiDivider-root {
    - background-color: #f00;
    + border-color: #f00;


  • Renombrar los componentes de ExpansionPanel a Accordion para usar una convención de nomenclatura más común:

    -import ExpansionPanel from '@material-ui/core/ExpansionPanel';
    -import ExpansionPanelSummary from '@material-ui/core/ExpansionPanelSummary';
    -import ExpansionPanelDetails from '@material-ui/core/ExpansionPanelDetails';
    -import ExpansionPanelActions from '@material-ui/core/ExpansionPanelActions';
    +import Accordion from '@material-ui/core/Accordion';
    +import AccordionSummary from '@material-ui/core/AccordionSummary';
    +import AccordionDetails from '@material-ui/core/AccordionDetails';
    +import AccordionActions from '@material-ui/core/AccordionActions';
    -  <ExpansionPanelSummary>
    +  <AccordionSummary>
         <Typography>Select trip destination</Typography>
    -  </ExpansionPanelSummary>
    +  </AccordionSummary>
    -  <ExpansionPanelDetails>
    +  <AccordionDetails>
         <Chip label="Barbados" onDelete={() => {}} />
         <Typography variant="caption">Select your destination of choice</Typography>
    -  </ExpansionPanelDetails>
    +  </AccordionDetails>
       <Divider />
    -  <ExpansionPanelActions>
    +  <AccordionActions>
         <Button size="small">Cancel</Button>
         <Button size="small">Save</Button>
    -  </ExpansionPanelActions>
    +  </AccordionActions>
  • TypeScript: The event in onChange is no longer typed as a React.ChangeEvent but React.SyntheticEvent.

    -<Accordion onChange={(event: React. ChangeEvent<{}>, expanded: boolean) => {}} />
    +<Accordion onChange={(event: React. SyntheticEvent, expanded: boolean) => {}} />
  • Rename focused to focusVisible for consistency:

    -    focused: 'custom-focus-visible-classname',
    +    focusVisible: 'custom-focus-visible-classname',
  • Remove display: flex from AccordionDetails as its too opinionated. Most developers expect a display block.

  • Remove IconButtonProps prop from AccordionSummary. The component renders a <div> element instead of an IconButton. The prop is no longer necessary.


  • Rename round to circular for consistency. Los valores posibles deben ser adjetivos, no sustantivos:

    -<Fab variant="round">
    +<Fab variant="circular">


  • Renombrar prop justify con justifyContent para estar alineado con el nombre de propiedad CSS.

    -<Grid justify="center">
    +<Grid justifyContent="center">


  • Rename the GridList components to ImageList to align with the current Material Design naming.

  • Rename the GridList spacing prop to gap to align with the CSS attribute.

  • Rename the GridList cellHeight prop to rowHieght.

  • Add the variant prop to GridList.

  • Rename the GridListItemBar actionPosition prop to position. (Note also the related classname changes.)

  • Use CSS object-fit. For IE11 support either use a polyfill such as, or continue to use the v4 component.

    -import GridList from '@material-ui/core/GridList';
    -import GridListTile from '@material-ui/core/GridListTile';
    -import GridListTileBar from '@material-ui/core/GridListTileBar';
    +import ImageList from '@material-ui/core/ImageList';
    +import ImageListItem from '@material-ui/core/ImageListItem';
    +import ImageListItemBar from '@material-ui/core/ImageListItemBar';
    -<GridList spacing={8} cellHeight={200}>
    -  <GridListTile>
    +<ImageList gap={8} rowHeight={200}>
    +  <ImageListItem>
        <img src="file.jpg" alt="Image title" />
    -    <GridListTileBar
    +    <ImageListItemBar
    -  </GridListTile>
    +  </ImageListItem>


  • The default value of fontSize was changed from default to medium for consistency. In the unlikey event that you were using the value default, the prop can be removed:

    -<Icon fontSize="default">icon-name</Icon>


  • The onE* transition props were removed. Use TransitionProps instead.

    -  onEnter={onEnter}
    -  onEntered={onEntered},
    -  onEntering={onEntered},
    -  onExit={onEntered},
    -  onExited={onEntered},
    -  onExiting={onEntered}
    +  TransitionProps={{
    +    onEnter,
    +    onEntered,
    +    onEntering,
    +    onExit,
    +    onExited,
    +    onExiting,
    +  }}


  • Remove the disableBackdropClick prop because redundant. Ignore close events from onClose when reason === 'backdropClick' instead.

    - disableBackdropClick
    - onClose={handleClose}
    + onClose={(event, reason) => {
    +   if (reason !== 'backdropClick') {
    +     onClose(event, reason);
    +   }
    + }}
  • Remove the onEscapeKeyDown prop because redundant. Use onClose with reason === "escapeKeyDown" instead.

    - onEscapeKeyDown={handleEscapeKeyDown}
    + onClose={(event, reason) => {
    +   if (reason === 'escapeKeyDown') {
    +     handleEscapeKeyDown(event);
    +   }
    + }}
  • Remove onRendered prop. Depending on your use case either use a callback ref on the child element or an effect hook in the child component.


  • Mueve el componente del laboratorio al core. El componente ahora es estable.

    -import Pagination from '@material-ui/lab/Pagination';
    -import PaginationItem from '@material-ui/lab/PaginationItem';
    -import { usePagination } from '@material-ui/lab/Pagination';
    +import Pagination from '@material-ui/core/Pagination';
    +import PaginationItem from '@material-ui/core/PaginationItem';
    +import usePagination from '@material-ui/core/usePagination';

    You can use our moved-lab-modules codemod for automatic migration.

  • Rename round to circular for consistency. Los valores posibles deben ser adjetivos, no sustantivos:

    -<Pagination shape="round">
    -<PaginationItem shape="round">
    +<Pagination shape="circular">
    +<PaginationItem shape="circular">


  • The onE* transition props were removed. Use TransitionProps instead.

    -  onEnter={onEnter}
    -  onEntered={onEntered},
    -  onEntering={onEntered},
    -  onExit={onEntered},
    -  onExited={onEntered},
    -  onExiting={onEntered}
    +  TransitionProps={{
    +    onEnter,
    +    onEntered,
    +    onEntering,
    +    onExit,
    +    onExited,
    +    onExiting,
    +  }}


  • Upgrade Popper.js from v1 to v2. This third-party library has introduced a lot of changes.
    You can read their migration guide or the following summary:

    • The CSS prefixes have changed:

      popper: {
        zIndex: 1,
      - '&[x-placement*="bottom"] $arrow': {
      + '&[data-popper-placement*="bottom"] $arrow': {
    • Method names have changed.

    • Modifiers' API has changed a lot. There are too many changes to be covered here.


  • Remove onRendered prop. Depending on your use case either use a callback ref on the child element or an effect hook in the child component.


  • Mueve el componente del laboratorio al core. El componente ahora es estable.

    -import Rating from '@material-ui/lab/Rating';
    +import Rating from '@material-ui/core/Rating';

    You can use our moved-lab-modules codemod for automatic migration.

  • Change the default empty icon to improve accessibility. If you have a custom icon prop but no emptyIcon prop, you can restore the previous behavior with:

    + emptyIcon={null}
  • Rename visuallyhidden to visuallyHidden for consistency:

    -    visuallyhidden: 'custom-visually-hidden-classname',
    +    visuallyHidden: 'custom-visually-hidden-classname',


  • This component was removed. You can get a reference to the underlying DOM node of our components via ref prop. The component relied on ReactDOM.findDOMNode which is deprecated in React.StrictMode.

    -<RootRef rootRef={ref}>
    -  <Button />
    +<Button ref={ref} />


  • Mueve el componente del laboratorio al core. El componente ahora es estable.

    -import Skeleton from '@material-ui/lab/Skeleton';
    +import Skeleton from '@material-ui/core/Skeleton';

    You can use our moved-lab-modules codemod for automatic migration.

  • Renombrar circle a circular y rectangle a rectangular para consistencia. Los valores posibles deben ser adjetivos, no sustantivos:

    -<Skeleton variant="circle" />
    -<Skeleton variant="rect" />
    -<Skeleton classes={{ circle: 'custom-circle-classname', rect: 'custom-rect-classname',  }} />
    +<Skeleton variant="circular" />
    +<Skeleton variant="rectangular" />
    +<Skeleton classes={{ circular: 'custom-circle-classname', rectangular: 'custom-rect-classname',  }} />


  • TypeScript: The event in onChange is no longer typed as a React.ChangeEvent but React.SyntheticEvent.

    -<Slider onChange={(event: React. ChangeEvent<{}>, value: unknown) => {}} />
    +<Slider onChange={(event: React. SyntheticEvent, value: unknown) => {}} />
  • The ValueLabelComponent prop is now part of the components prop.

    -<Slider ValueLabelComponent={CustomValueLabel} />
    +<Slider components={{ ValueLabel: CustomValueLabel }} />
  • The ThumbComponent prop is not part of the components prop.

    -<Slider ThumbComponent={CustomThumb} />
    +<Slider components={{ Thumb: CustomThumb }} />


  • The notification now displays at the bottom left on large screens. This better matches the behavior of Gmail, Google Keep,, etc. You can restore the previous behavior with:

    -<Snackbar />
    +<Snackbar anchorOrigin={{ vertical: 'bottom', horizontal: 'center' }} />
  • The onE* transition props were removed. Use TransitionProps instead.

    -  onEnter={onEnter}
    -  onEntered={onEntered},
    -  onEntering={onEntered},
    -  onExit={onEntered},
    -  onExited={onEntered},
    -  onExiting={onEntered}
    +  TransitionProps={{
    +    onEnter,
    +    onEntered,
    +    onEntering,
    +    onExit,
    +    onExited,
    +    onExiting,
    +  }}


  • Mueve el componente del laboratorio al core. El componente ahora es estable.

    -import SpeedDial from '@material-ui/lab/SpeedDial';
    -import SpeedDialAction from '@material-ui/lab/SpeedDialAction';
    -import SpeedDialIcon from '@material-ui/lab/SpeedDialIcon';
    +import SpeedDial from '@material-ui/core/SpeedDial';
    +import SpeedDialAction from '@material-ui/core/SpeedDialAction';
    +import SpeedDialIcon from '@material-ui/core/SpeedDialIcon';

    You can use our moved-lab-modules codemod for automatic migration.

Stepper (Pasos a pasos)

  • The root component (Paper) was replaced with a div. Stepper no longer has elevation, nor inherits Paper's props. This change is meant to encourage composition.

    -<Stepper elevation={2}>
    -  <Step>
    -    <StepLabel>Hello world</StepLabel>
    -  </Step>
    +<Paper square elevation={2}>
    +  <Stepper>
    +    <Step>
    +      <StepLabel>Hello world</StepLabel>
    +    </Step>
    +  </Stepper>
  • Retire el relleno integrado de 24px.

    -  <Step>
    -    <StepLabel>Hello world</StepLabel>
    -  </Step>
    +<Stepper style={{ padding: 24 }}>
    +  <Step>
    +    <StepLabel>Hello world</StepLabel>
    +  </Step>


  • The default value of fontSize was changed from default to medium for consistency. In the unlikey event that you were using the value default, the prop can be removed:

    -<SvgIcon fontSize="default">
      <path d="M10 20v-6h4v6h5v-8h3L12 3 2 12h3v8z" />

Table (Tabla)

  • The customization of the table pagination's actions labels must be done with the getItemAriaLabel prop. This increases consistency with the Pagination component.

    - backIconButtonText="Avant"
    - nextIconButtonText="Après
    + getItemAriaLabel={…}
  • Rename onChangeRowsPerPage to onRowsPerPageChange and onChangePage to onPageChange due to API consistency.

    - onChangeRowsPerPage={()=>{}}
    - onChangePage={()=>{}}
    + onRowsPerPageChange={()=>{}}
    + onPageChange={()=>{}}


  • TypeScript: The event in onChange is no longer typed as a React.ChangeEvent but React.SyntheticEvent.

    -<Tabs onChange={(event: React. ChangeEvent<{}>, value: unknown) => {}} />
    +<Tabs onChange={(event: React. SyntheticEvent, value: unknown) => {}} />
  • The API that controls the scroll buttons has been split it in two props.

    • The scrollButtons prop controls when the scroll buttons are displayed depending on the space available.
    • The allowScrollButtonsMobile prop removes the CSS media query that systematically hide the scroll buttons on mobile.
    -<Tabs scrollButtons="on" />
    -<Tabs scrollButtons="desktop" />
    -<Tabs scrollButtons="off" />
    +<Tabs scrollButtons allowScrollButtonsMobile />
    +<Tabs scrollButtons />
    +<Tabs scrollButtons={false} />


  • Change the default variant from standard to outlined. Standard has been removed from the Material Design Guidelines.

    -<TextField value="Standard" />
    -<TextField value="Outlined" variant="outlined" />
    +<TextField value="Standard" variant="standard" />
    +<TextField value="Outlined" />

This codemod will automatically update your code.

  • Rename rowsMax prop with maxRows for consistency with HTML attributes.

    -<TextField rowsMax={6}>
    +<TextField maxRows={6}>
  • Better isolate the fixed textarea height behavior to the dynamic one. You need to use the minRows prop in the following case:

    -<TextField rows={2} maxRows={5} />
    +<TextField minRows={2} maxRows={5} />
  • Change ref forwarding expectations on custom inputComponent. The component should forward the ref prop instead of the inputRef prop.

    -function NumberFormatCustom(props) {
    -  const { inputRef, onChange, ...other } = props;
    +const NumberFormatCustom = React.forwardRef(function NumberFormatCustom(
    +  props,
    +  ref,
    +) {
      const { onChange, ...other } = props;
      return (
    -     getInputRef={inputRef}
    +     getInputRef={ref}
  • Rename marginDense and inputMarginDense classes to sizeSmall and inputSizeSmall to match the prop.

    -<Input margin="dense" />
    +<Input size="small" />


  • Remove the rows prop, use the minRows prop instead. This change aims to clarify the behavior of the prop.

    -<TextareaAutosize rows={2} />
    +<TextareaAutosize minRows={2} />
  • Rename rowsMax prop with maxRows for consistency with HTML attributes.

    -<TextareAutosize rowsMax={6}>
    +<TextareAutosize maxRows={6}>
  • Rename rowsMin prop with minRows for consistency with HTML attributes.

    -<TextareAutosize rowsMin={1}>
    +<TextareAutosize minRows={1}>


  • Mueve el componente del laboratorio al core. El componente ahora es estable.

    -import ToggleButton from '@material-ui/lab/ToggleButton';
    -import ToggleButtonGroup from '@material-ui/lab/ToggleButtonGroup';
    +import ToggleButton from '@material-ui/core/ToggleButton';
    +import ToggleButtonGroup from '@material-ui/core/ToggleButtonGroup';

    You can use our moved-lab-modules codemod for automatic migration.


  • Tooltips are now interactive by default.

    The previous default behavior failed success criterion 1.4.3 ("hoverable") in WCAG 2.1. To reflect the new default value, the prop was renamed to disableInteractive. If you want to restore the old behavior (thus not reaching level AA), you can apply the following diff:

    +<Tooltip disableInteractive>
    # Interactive tooltips no longer need the `interactive` prop.
    -<Tooltip interactive>


  • Replace the srOnly prop so as to not duplicate the capabilities of System:

    -import Typography from '@material-ui/core/Typography';
    +import { visuallyHidden } from '@material-ui/system';
    +import styled from 'styled-component';
    +const Span = styled('span')(visuallyHidden);
    -<Typography variant="srOnly">Create a user</Typography>
    +<Span>Create a user</Span>


  • Replace css prop with sx to avoid collision with styled-components & emotion CSS props.
-<Box css={{ color: 'primary.main' }} />
+<Box sx={{ color: 'primary.main' }} />